The PrimateCast (b. 2012) is a podcast hosted and produced by me (Andrew) and sometimes Cecile Sarabian (for the spin-off Conservation Voices). The podcast is interview-based and runs on about all things primatology, conservation and related science. It's sponsored by the Center for International Collaboration and Advanced Studies in Primatology (CICASP) at Kyoto University's Primate Research Institute (KUPRI), where we have an amateur studio ('Studio Primate') that we run interviews out of, when we're not out and about in the field or at conferences hailing people with our mobile podcasting unit.
Some notable guests on the show include Jane Goodall (Jane Goodall Institute), Frans de Waal (Formerly at Yerkes National Primate Center), Karen Strier (President of the International Primatological Society), Ralph Adolphs (CalTech), and Jae Choe (Ehwa Women's University, Biodiversity Foundation and National Institute of Ecology in South Korea). We even had a passionate high schooler Nina Negi on the show! And we've covered a bunch of international congresses in primatology, conservation and even animal psychology.
Follow the latest interviews with researchers in the world of primatology, wildlife science and beyond on The PrimateCast, accessible from the CICASP website, iTunes or other podcast feeds. Subscribe to the podcast's rss feed and follow along on social media venues like Facebook and Twitter @ThePrimateCast.